Improving the health of the community is the driving mission for most, if not all, hospitals. The goal of population health management is closely aligned with that mission and may seem to be a logical and perhaps easy step for hospitals to take. Managing the health of a population has significant implications for hospitals and health systems that are important for trustees to understand.
AHA Trustee Services: A Trustee’s Guide to Population Health
Population Health: Building New Foundations Linking Care with Community
VIDEO 1: Introduction to Population Health
VIDEO 2: Understanding Your Population
VIDEO 3: Engaging with Partners
VIDEO 4: Taking System Level Action
VIDEO 5: Importance of Measurement
VIDEO 6: Community Change
GovernWell™ acknowledges and thanks the American Hospital Association and its trustee services related to population health.
Interested in Organizing and Formalizing Your Hospital’s Population Health Strategy?
The American Hospital Association, the Institute for Health Improvement, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and others have developed an assessment tool and additional resources to help hospitals with their population health strategies. There are great resources to educate your board, CEO, leadership team or others on the expanding role hospitals are expected to play in population health management. Click on the button below to get started.