Equip your board to be a knowledge asset.
High-performing boards are learning boards. They consistently develop their knowledge to empower greater governing effectiveness. Through the Essentials for Governance Excellence Program, governWell™ subscribers have access to a comprehensive set of knowledge-building educational programs, on-demand videos and written briefings on a range of board responsibilities and hot topics in governance. The Essentials Program also includes resources that can be custom-tailored to meet your board’s unique educational needs. Additionally, a subscription includes access to a glossary of hundreds of key healthcare terms and acronyms definitions.
Contact governWell™ today to learn more about subscribing.
Latest Topics and Resources
- Board Leadership is Essential to COVID-19 Recovery
- Cyber Security: The Board’s Role
- Measuring Equity in Patient Care Access
- Governance Comparative Effectiveness
- Healthcare Quality Terms and Concepts
- Home Care & Hospice Boards 2023: Key Issues
- New Board Member Orientation
- Rural Health Care 2023: Accelerating Challenges
- TaskWell module enhanced (customizable sample committee charters)
- The Board’s Role in Employee Satisfaction and Engagement
- The Board’s Role Series: Healthcare Quality & Patient Safety
Boardroom Fundamentals
- Becoming a Visionary Board
- Board Fiduciary Responsibility
- Conflict-Free Governance
- Financial Basics for Trustees
- Governance Risk – What Trustees Need to Know
- Governance Self-Assessment
- Governance vs. Management Responsibilities
- Healthcare Terms and Abbreviations
- Hospital-Physician Relationships
- Mission, Values and Vision
- Role of the Board Chair
- The Board’s Role in Medical Staff Credentialing
- The Board’s Role in Quality and Patient Safety
- The Board’s Role in Strategic Oversight
Board-CEO Relationships
- Board-CEO Relationships
- CEO Compensation and Evaluation
- CEO Succession Planning
- New CEO on Board
- Ensuring a Strong and Supportive Board-CEO Relationship
Community Connections
- Community-Centered Board
Health Equity
- The Board’s Role in Advancing Healthier, More Equitable Communities
- Measuring Equity in Patient Care Access & Treatment
- Leading the Way on Population Health
- Health Equity Key Concepts & Terms
- The Board’s Role in Health Equity Initiatives
Quality and Patient Safety
- Corporate Responsibility and Health Care Quality
- COVID-19: Crisis Standards of Care
- Measuring Equity in Patient Care Access
- Inclusive Governance – Hospitals and Physicians
- Infusing Quality Throughout the Board Agenda
- Understanding the Board’s Role in Quality
- Navigating the Challenges of COVID-19
- The Board’s Role in Medical Staff Credentialing
- The Board’s Role in Quality and Patient Safety (overview)
- The Board’s Role in Quality & Patient Safety: Cyber Security
- The Board’s Role in Quality & Patient Safety: Quality Improvement Methods
- The Board’s Role in Quality & Patient Safety: Quality Improvement Tools
- The Board’s Role in Quality & Patient Safety: Safety Culture is Key
- The Board’s Role in Quality & Patient Safety: Understanding Performance Measures
Partner in Your Future
- Strategic Affiliation
- Trustee’s Guide to Affiliations
Population Health
- Managing the Health of a Population
Strategic Focus
- Board Leadership is Essential to COVID-19 Recovery and Success
- Rural Health Care 2023: Accelerating Challenges
- Home Care & Hospice Boards 2023: Key Issues
- Navigating a Hazy and Uncertain Future
- The Board’s Role in Strategic Planning
- Strategic Execution – The Plan Following the Plan
- Strategic Planning in Turbulent Times
Other Resources
- Model Governance Manual (26 sample policies and customizable template for creating a comprehensive manual)
- Model Board Orientation Program
- Board Chair Leadership Development
- Speaking Health Care™: Health Care Terms and Acronyms
Contact governWell™ today to learn more.