Work with the hospital/health system to ensure the best candidates are selected and ensure a strong internal orientation process once board members join.
All Board Members
Read BoardBRIEF – Succession Planning Today for Tomorrow’s Trustee Leaders.
FMC Governance Committee
Prepare for Recruitment of New Board Members
The FMC Governance Committee will review the trustee succession plan to identify necessary updates (such as candidate profile, identification of skills and experience needed, etc.). If not already known, the Committee will utilize the governance skills and experience matrix to identify key competencies the board is lacking, and strategies to recruit trustees with those skills.
New Trustee Governance Education
Encourage new trustees to read the complete document “Critical Questions Every Board Needs to be Able to Answer” before starting their first board meeting.
Assign New Trustee Mentors
Determine if assigning a mentor to new trustees would be beneficial. If so, assign mentors for 12 months. Mentors should meet with new trustees to discuss any questions they may have when reviewing the document above.