A critical element of high-performing leadership is a strong relationship
between a hospital or health system’s board and the CEO.
AHA Trustee Services: The CEO Performance Appraisal Process – A Vital Ingredient in Building & Sustaining a Trustful Board/CEO Partnership
The uncertainty and complexity of today’s rapidly transforming health care environment requires dynamic CEO leadership more than ever. A sound and steady relationship between the board and CEO helps support the CEO during this turbulent time and, in turn, a close and productive partnership between the board and CEO helps ensure the board’s vision and strategic direction are carried out.
The board’s evaluation of CEO performance is the foundation of this important partnership. A purposeful and productive CEO evaluation should do more than simply substantiate board decisions about the CEO’s performance. More importantly, it sets clear expectations, ensures a consistent focus on the board’s most urgent and critical priorities, strengthens CEO leadership, and contributes to success in achieving the mission and vision.
More Resources for Better Board-CEO Relations
BoardBRIEFs and Videos
Board-CEO Relationships |
CEO Succession Planning |
Ensuring a Strong and Supportive Board-CEO Relationship |
New CEO on Board |