Discover your board’s “governance gaps” and drive “governance gain.”
A self-assessment measures governance effectiveness based on your current board practices. The results enable your board to identify leadership strengths and gaps. A self-assessment also shows the areas in which the board has the greatest potential for improvement. When combined with a governance effectiveness action plan, your board will be able to drive governance gains and achieve sustained leadership performance.
The AssessWell toolkit includes a step-by-step guide and customizable, easy-to-use materials for conducting a robust governance practices and performance assessment.
- Full board assessment, including an “organizer” with suggested criteria for boards to consider in each area the board should evaluate; a sample survey questionnaire; sample email and letter correspondence; and a sample press release. Also included is a sample completed PowerPoint report, written report, and sample analysis of open-ended survey comments.
- An assessment of governing board committees, including an “organizer” with suggested criteria to measure for each board committee; a sample survey questionnaire form; and sample email and letter correspondence.
- A peer assessment, including a customizable sample peer leadership assessment form; a customizable sample format for compiling peer assessment results; and customizable sample email and letter correspondence.
- Materials to assist boards in planning for governance gain, using the assessment results to improve overall board performance in areas of opportunity. These materials include an instruction guide; a customizable sample spreadsheet for prioritizing governance gain initiatives; and a document with 101 governance best practices ideas.
It’s important to remember that conducting the board assessment is just the first step in improving your governing leadership performance. The key to success of the full process is not simply the measurement of board viewpoints, but instead the actions you take as a result of careful examination of board viewpoints. We hope this summary report will be a catalyst to engage your board members in a wide-ranging, outcomes-focused discussion that highlights opportunities for board discussion and improvement.