Board Recruitment and Succession Planning
Align board experience, expertise and diversity with your leadership needs.
Board composition should reflect the combination of experience, expertise and diversity needed to successfully govern in today’s complex and transforming healthcare environment. Board succession planning and recruitment are essential to strengthening board capacity, not just filling an empty seat on the board.
governWell™ resources will help you assess the skills, knowledge and required expertise of new trustees, aligning those capabilities with the board’s future governance needs. Selected resources from the recruitWell™ module are included in this microportal.
recruitWell™ Resources
BoardBRIEF: Overview of Governance Succession Planning |
Read This Before Editing Your RecruitWell Materials |
Customizable Resources
Governance Skills and Experience Matrix |
Trustee Candidate Overview and Application |
Candidate Assessment Form |
Board Member Job Description |
1515 W 22nd St, Ste 900
Oak Brook, IL 60523